アップルから、WWDC 2011の公式ガイドアプリがリリースされています。ようやく出ました!
カテゴリ: 辞書/辞典/その他
価格: 無料
このアプリは昨年のWWDC 2010でもリリースされています。ただし2010ではWWDC参加者しか使えないアプリだったのですが。。。
» WWDC参加者にのみ配られるガイド アプリ『WWDC App for iPhone and iPad』のスクリーンショット
ただし、どうやら iTunes がトラブっているのか、ダウンロードがうまくいかないですね。。。 WWDCチケット持ってないと駄目とか、そのあたりのトラブルなのかと想像したり。
以下、iTunesから アプリの紹介
The WWDC 2011 app is your mobile guide to the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. Access a range of conference information on-the-go from your iPhone or iPad. You can quickly search the conference schedule, make a reservation at the User Interface, App Review, iTunes Connect, Program Support, or Developer Publications lab, view floor diagrams of Moscone West, and create a custom schedule of the sessions, labs, and events you plan on attending.
Reserve Time at the Labs
The WWDC 2011 app allows you to make a reservation at the User Interface, App Review, iTunes Connect, Program Support, or Developer Publication lab. Once you make a lab reservation, it will appear in the schedule section of the app when you filter your view by Favorites.
Sessions and Labs Schedule
View the daily conference schedule including lunchtime and evening events. Filter your view to search by technology, platform, sessions, or labs.
Create Your WWDC Schedule
Tap on the detail view of any session, lab, or event. Then tap "Add to Favorites". Your selections will be added to the Favorites section of the app and can be updated on-the-go.
Locate Sessions and Labs
Easily find your way around Moscone West with detailed floor maps. You can also tap on a specific session or lab for the level and location where you need to go.
Conference News
Stay up-to-date with all the announcements during the week. The WWDC 2011 app provides you with the latest news as soon as it’s announced.
Conference Photos
View photos of the WWDC experience. Images from the sessions, labs, and special events will be added daily.