カテゴリ: ミュージック
価格: ¥2,300
iPad用DJアプリの決定版『djay』が 1.2 にアップデート。目玉は iPad 2 に最適化された機能たち。
Ready to take your DJ performance to the next level? djay is now fully optimized for iPad 2! Taking advantage of the iPad 2’s high-performance dual-core processor, djay now features Key Lock and and even higher precision audio analysis:以下、djay 1.2 のデモ動画です。
- Key Lock / Time-Stretching: change the tempo of a song without affecting its pitch (requires iPad 2)
- High-Precision audio analysis: improves syncing, BPM detection, beat-grid, and waveform precision (requires iPad 2, enable in Settings > Advanced)
- Loop / Cue snapping: auto-aligned to closest snare, base drum etc. (requires iPad 2)
- Improved playback of recordings
- Various minor improvements for all iPad models
これをみて iPad 2 に買い替える人が出てくる気配! iPad 2 に買い替えた人には嬉しいアップデートですね。